Wmi Install Msi With Parameters
NKg7Ltivpk/UMWhD820wCI/AAAAAAAAGzc/eNK6JD8i_b4/s1600/MSIInstaller+Reconfigure.png' alt='Wmi Install Msi With Parameters Thesaurus' title='Wmi Install Msi With Parameters Thesaurus' />Released System Center Management Pack for SQL Server, Replication, AS, RS, Dashboards 6. Msiexec is command prompt software that installs an MSI program. But I have found that you can install an MSI file from the command line by just typing in the name of. I had an interesting request come in to automate existing serverside PowerShell processes that have been initiated by server admins thus far locally on. January 2. 01. 5 Carl Stalhood. Navigation Recently Updated Persistent vs Non persistent. VDA design One of the tasks of a Citrix Architect is VDA design. There are many considerations, including the following Machine type single user virtual desktop, or multi user Remote Desktop Session Host. RDSH is more hardware efficient. Machine operating system Windows 7, Windows 1. Wmi Install Msi With Parameters Meaning' title='Wmi Install Msi With Parameters Meaning' />Wmi Install Msi With Parameters Of AslWmi Install Msi With Parameters For BloodWindows Server 2. R2, Windows Server 2. R2, Windows Server 2. Machine persistence persistent, non persistent. Number of new machines concurrent vs named users. Machine provisioning full clones, Machine Creation Services MCS, Provisioning Services Pv. SHardware for the new machines hypervisor clusters, storage. How the machines are updated SCCM, MCS, Pv. S, etc. Application integration locally installed, App V, Layering, Xen. App published, leave on local endpoint machine, cloud apps, etc. User Profiles roaming, mandatory, home directories. Group Policies session lockdown, automation. Disaster Recovery replication. VDAs running in a warm site. DR for profiles and home directories too. Desktop Management in a Citrix environment Some environments try to use Citrix to improve desktop management. Here are some desktop management aspects of Citrix that arent possible with distributed physical desktops Datacenter network speeds The VDAs have high speed connectivity to the desktop management tools, which eliminates WAN bandwidth as a desktop management consideration. For example, you can use Microsoft App V to stream apps to VDAs. Non persistence Non persistent VDAs revert at every reboot. To update non persistent VDAs, simply update your master image. Nirvana Bleach Deluxe Rar - Download Free Apps. Layering The VDA VMs can be composed of multiple layers that are combined during machine boot, or when the user logs in. Citrix App. Disk and Unidesk are examples of this technology. A single layer can be shared by multiple VDAs. The layers are updated once, and all machines using the layer receive the updated layer at next bootlogin. Non persistent VDAs Probably the easiest of these desktop management technologies to implement is non persistence. However, there are several drawbacks to non persistence Master Images must be designed Which apps go on which master image Do you install the same app on multiple master images How do you know which apps a user needs Most Citrix admins, and even desktop teams, dont know every app that a user needs. You can use tools like Liquidware Labs or Lakeside Software to discover app usage, but its a very complicated process to find commonality across multiple users. How are One off apps handled If you have an app used by only a small number of users, do you add it to one of your master imagesDo you create a new master image Do you publish it from Xen. App double hop Do you stream it using App V Layering is another option. Application Licensing for licensed apps, do you install the licensed app into the master image and try to hide it from non licensed users Or do you create a new master image for the licensed users Patching multiple images when a new OS patch needs to be deployed, you have to update every master image running that OS version. Thus Citrix admins usually try to limit the number of master images, which makes image design more complicated. How do you manage an app that is installed on multiple master images Layering might help with this. Who manages the master imagesCitrix admins Desktop team Its unlikely that traditional desktop management tools e. SCCM will ever be completely removed from an enterprise environment, which means that master image management is an additional task that was not performed before. Does the Citrix admin team have the staff to take on this responsibility Would the desktop management team be willing to perform this new processPolitically feasible Large enterprises usually have mature desktop management practices. Would this new process interfere with existing desktop management requirementsResponsibility if the Citrix admins are not maintaining the master images, and if a Catalog update causes user problems, who is responsible RDSH Apps are complicated who is responsible for integrating apps into Remote Desktop Session Host Xen. App Does the desktop team have the skills to perform the additional RDSH testing Change Control Longer Deployment Times Any change to a master image would affect every machineuser using that image, thus devQA testing is recommended for every change, which slows down app update deployment. And once a change is made to the master, it doesnt take effect until the users VDA is rebooted. Roaming Profiles some apps e. Office save user settings in user profiles. Since the machines are non persistent, the profiles would be lost on every reboot unless roaming profiles are implemented. This adds a dependency on roaming profile configuration, and the roaming profile file share. How is the Outlook OST file handledWith Cloud Hosted Exchange, for best performance, Outlook needs to run in Cached Exchange mode. How is the large OST file roamed One option is to use group policy to minimize the size of the OST file. Another is to purchase a 3rd party OST handling product like FSLogix. IT Applications e. Many IT apps antivirus. Search the vendors knowledgebase for VDI, non persistent, Citrix, etc. Antivirus in particular has a huge impact on VDA performance. And the special instructions for non persistent VDAs are in addition to normal antivirus configuration. Connection Leasing does not support non persistent virtual desktops if the Xen. Desktop SQL database is down, Connection Leasing wont help you. Its not possible to connect to non persistent virtual desktops until the Xen. Desktop SQL database connection is recovered. This affects multi datacenter designs. Application Integration Technologies Additional technologies can be used to overcome some of the drawbacks of non persistent machines Microsoft App V this technology can dynamically stream apps to a non persistent image. Different users get different apps. And the apps run in isolated bubbles. However. App V is an additional infrastructure that must be built and maintained. App V requires additional skills for the people packaging the apps, and the people troubleshooting the apps. Since the apps are isolated, app interaction is configured manually. Because of application isolation, not every app can run in App V. Maybe 6. 0 8. 0 of apps might work. How do you handle apps that dont work Layering each application is a different layer VHD file. The layering tool combines multiple layers into a single unified image. Layers are updated in one place, and all images using the layer are updated, which solves the issue of a single app in multiple images. Layering does not use application isolation, so almost 1. Layers can be mounted dynamically based on whos logging in. Winning Eleven 9 Pc Game'>Winning Eleven 9 Pc Game. Theres also a persistent layer that lets users install apps, or admins can install one off apps. Unidesk is probably the most feature rich of the layering products. However. Unidesk is not free. Citrix App. Disk is free, but its features are very limited. Unidesk is a separate infrastructure that must be built and maintained. Citrix App. Disk is built into Xen. Desktop. Somebody has to create the layers. This is extremely easy in Unidesk since you simply install the applications normally no new skills to learn. However, its an additional task on top of normal desktop management packaging duties.